Sarah Belpedio

Mother + Vision Holder of Terra Nova

Momager for Artists and Creatives

November 19, 2021 — It was a breezy fall morning in Austin, Texas. The night prior, the Moon passed into the shadow of the Earth, creating a lunar eclipse in the constellation of Taurus. I was five months into my sabbatical from my corporate consulting job, in the thick of my Saturn return.

I sat on my porch in a rocking chair with my laptop and felt a force beyond my mind begin to move my fingers. Three hours and 15 slides later, a pitch deck arrived with the title: Terra Nova: a regenerative community.

The process of receiving this vision, surrendering her back to the Divine, over and over again…nurturing her and giving birth to her has been the most humbling experience of my life.

Over the last three years, Life demanded I surrender everything at the altar to prepare to step into this role.

The role of Mother - Creator and Protector of Life.

Initiation after initiation…Life-long friends fell away. Divorce came suddenly. I cut the cord with the predictability of my corporate salary. I experienced my first pregnancy and after 13 trying weeks decided to end the first life I created.

As challenging and heartbreaking as it all was, I see now the perfection in it all. The joy, the grief, the manic ego trips followed by the ego deaths that felt like they’d last for eternity…

This process of taking off the masks and reclaiming my own skin…

This process of giving birth to my Self…

This is my reason for being here. This is why I am here.

To surrender to the process of death and rebirth.

Over and over and over again.

With every death and every rebirth,

I remember a little bit more of who I am.

I remember a little bit more of why I am here.

I remember to celebrate Life when it sprouts from the compost of who I was.

I remember to honor Death when she comes, knowing its time to surrender again.

To surrender again to The Great Mystery.

To dance in the darkness when the underworld asks me to come home.

To emanate the light when it’s time to allow myself to be seen.

So tell me dear friend, who are you, really? No…really?

Tell me. I want to know.

I want to know who you are when all the masks fall away.

I want to know the secrets of your soul.

I want to know the Truth of who you are and why you are here.

Are you ready to embark on this journey?

When you are, I am ready and honored to bear witness.

To witness your wild unraveling into the Truth of who you are.

Loving you fiercely,

Sarah Belpedio


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Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon, Libra rising

2/4 splenic projector on Cross of the Unexpected


Luna Van Arsdale


Kodie Smiley